Media Coverage June 18, 2020 Rady Children’s Hospital reports double win, saving babies and cash San Diego Union-Tribune
Press Releases June 18, 2020 Rady Children’s Shows Genomic Sequencing for Infants in Intensive Care Yields Life-Changing Benefits and Medical Cost Savings
Media Coverage April 9, 2020 Plan Will Cover Whole Genome Sequencing for Ill Children AIS Health (
Press Releases March 12, 2020 Blue Shield of California Becomes First Health Plan in U.S. to Cover Cost of Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing for Critically Ill Children
Media Coverage October 15, 2018 WGS Helps Diagnosis and Reduces Healthcare Costs for Neonates in Intensive Care EurekaAlert
Press Releases June 15, 2018 WGS Helps Diagnosis and Reduces Healthcare Costs for Neonates in Intensive Care
Media Coverage April 5, 2018 Rady Team Demos Improved Outcomes, Cost Savings of Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing in NICU GenomeWeb