Media Coverage October 23, 2023 Quick genetic test offers hope for sick, undiagnosed kids. But few insurers offer to pay. CBS News / KFF Health News CBS NEWS: Just 48 hours after her birth in a Seattle-area hospital in 2021, Layla Babayev was undergoing surgery for a bowel obstruction.
Media Coverage February 28, 2023 It takes an average of 8 years for a rare disease patient to get diagnosed. Why is it so hard to get life-altering genetic testing in the U.S.? Fortune Fortune: No one wants to find themselves sick or in need of a medical diagnosis. But there are those out there who already are—and are desperately seeking answers.
Media Coverage April 9, 2020 Plan Will Cover Whole Genome Sequencing for Ill Children AIS Health (
Press Releases March 12, 2020 Blue Shield of California Becomes First Health Plan in U.S. to Cover Cost of Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing for Critically Ill Children